A journey through the Warsteiner World


Important information:

As a precautionary measure, we have decided to close the visitor center temporarily. Currently, there are no tours available. We thank you for your understanding.

For questions and rebooking, we are available by phone and email Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Phone: 0049 02902-88-5001
Email: visit@warsteiner.com
More information

Time for some serious (international) business


Who would have thought in 1753 that our premium beer specialties would travel all over the world from the Sauerland? Today, our mission is to provide beer lovers worldwide with the best beers that German beer culture has to offer.

Nevertheless, we remain with two feet on the ground. The headquarters of our family brewery is still located in Warstein and is proudly run by Catharina Cramer in the ninth generation.
© 2021 Warsteiner


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